
In this paper, we develop an ensemble-based time-stepping algorithm to efficiently find numerical solutions to a group of linear, second-order parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs). Particularly, the PDE models in the group could be subject to different diffusion coefficients, initial conditions, boundary conditions, and body forces. The proposed algorithm leads to a single discrete system for the group with multiple right-hand-side vectors by introducing an ensemble average of the diffusion coefficient functions and using a new semi-implicit time integration method. The system could be solved more efficiently than multiple linear systems with a single right-hand side vector. We first apply the algorithm to deterministic parabolic PDEs and derive a rigorous error estimate that shows the scheme is first-order accurate in time and is optimally accurate in space. We then extend it to find stochastic solutions of parabolic PDEs with random coefficients and put forth an ensemble-based Monte Carlo method. The effectiveness of the new approach is demonstrated through theoretical analysis. Several numerical experiments are presented to illustrate our theoretical results.