
Packet loss is of great importance as a metric that characterizes the network's performance, and is crucial for video applications, congestion control and routing. Most of existing measurement tools can indicate the packet loss of network links instead of the actual packet loss of individual application. On the other hand, because occurrence of packet loss behavior is relatively rare and its duration is short, active measuring methods need to inject a large number of packets and run for a long time for reporting accurate estimates, which would introduce additional intrusiveness to the network and perturb user traffic. In this paper, we present a new packet loss estimation technique by making use of user_data field of video, which is less intrusive since it does not affect video playing and does not need to inject extra probing stream. It can also provide the packet loss detailed information of I,P,B frames. The accuracy of the algorithm has been evaluated with both simulations and experiments over real-world Internet paths. In addition, we analyze the video quality distortion caused by packet loss of different frame types, and a real-time video quality monitoring system is built.