Arterias Hep芍ticas Aberrantes: Estudio en 64 Cad芍veres Disecados

作者:Ottone; Nicolas Ernesto; Arrotea Molina; Agustin; Dominguez; Mario Luis; Lo Tartaro; Maximiliano; Garcia de Quiros; Nicolas; Medan; Carlos; Blasi; Esteban; Bertone; Vicente Hugo
来源:International Journal of Morphology, 2006.


the promotion of the knowledge of the classic hepatic vascular distribution and its variations is fundamental to plan and to make all the surgical and radiological procedures in the superior abdomen. 64 corpses preserved with formol to 40% were dissected, between 1980 and 2005. first the abdominal cavity with incision in furnace mouth was opened, soon the gastrohepatic epiplon and the hepatic pedicle were investigated, and finally it was dissected all the supramesocolic sector. the results of the dissection were grouped in 5 classes: class 1 (73,44%): classic arterial disposition. class 2a (9,37%): accessory aberrant left hepatic artery being born of the left gastric artery. class 2b (4,69%): replacing aberrant left hepatic artery being born of the left gastric artery. class 3a (3,12%): accessory aberrant right hepatic artery being born of the superior mesenteric artery. class 3b (3,12%): replacing aberrant right hepatic artery being born of the superior mesenteric artery. class 4 (3,12%): combined disposition of aberrants hepatics arteries, right and left. class 5 (3,12%): replacing aberrant common hepatic artery being born of the superior mesenteric artery. we concluded that the normal disposition of the hepatic anatomy was found in 73,44%. the aberrants hepatics arteries were found with significant, 26,56%. this way, we defined two fundamental sites of birth of aberrant hepatics arteries: the left gastric artery is the site of birth of the aberrants lefts hepatics arteries (class 2 (a-b) 14.06%), crossing gastrohepatic epiplon, and the superior mesenteric artery site of birth of the aberrant rights hepatics arteries (class 3 (a-b) 6.24%), making a dangerous retroduodenoportal passage. for that reason the precise investigation of gastrohepatic epiplon and the back of the hepatic pedicle by the possibility of finding of these aberrant hep芍ticas arteries is fundamental

  • 出版日期2006
