Bladder function of end-stage renal disease patients

作者:Tsunoyama Kuniko*; Ishida Hideki; Omoto Kazuya; Shimizu Tomokazu; Shirakawa Hiroki; Tanabe Kazunari
来源:International Journal of Urology, 2010, 17(9): 791-795.


Objectives: To evaluate the bladder function of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients by using video H(2)O cystometry (CM) before renal transplantation (RTx). Methods: A total of 92 patients (57 men and 35 women; mean age 45.4 years; mean period of renal replacement therapy (RRT) 60.2 months) were divided in two groups based on the presence of detrusor overactivity (DO). In each group the following parameters were recorded during CM: first sensation (FS), maximum cystometric capacity (MC) and compliance. The effect of the duration of RRT on the H(2)O cystometric results was also assessed. Results: There were 25 patients (27.2%) who had DO before their operation, this ratio being higher than the general Japanese population. Subjects with DO were observed independently for the duration of RRT and there was no difference in the prevalence of DO based on this variable. In contrast, 50 patients kept their bladder compliance in the normal range. The numerical value of FS, MC and compliance decreased proportionally for the duration of RRT. Conclusions: Patients undergoing RTx frequently present with bladder dysfunction in terms of low capacity, low compliance and also DO. This bladder dysfunction has a negative impact on patients' quality of life. Thus, bladder function and its related symptoms require specific attention during the management of transplant patients.

  • 出版日期2010-9