
In this paper, we address the ordering of transmit antennas according to reliability for unequal error protection (UEP) in spatially multiplexed (SM) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with joint detection at the receiver. When zero-forcing (ZF) detection is adopted, the reliabilities of transmit antennas are explicitly expressed as postequalization signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Thus, multiantenna UEP can be implemented by assigning data of high priority to transmit antennas with a high postequalization SNR. Unfortunately, the overall error performance is generally unsatisfactory. Various joint signal detection techniques that achieve maximum likelihood (ML) or near-ML performance have been developed as alternatives to ZF, but it is not obvious how to discriminate the reliabilities of the transmit antennas or the jointly detected symbols. Recently, an ordering technique for antenna reliabilities was proposed that exploits the structure of the previous near-optimal QR-decomposition-based least-reliable-layer joint detection. In this paper, we divide the log-likelihood ratio of each symbol into collaborative and individual components, assuming joint ML detection. We derive a statistical connection between the magnitude order of each component of the multiple symbols (or the corresponding transmit antennas) and the post-ZF-equalization SNRs. Based on the statistical connections, we propose the use of post-ZF-equalization SNR as a criterion for antenna reliability ordering of SM MIMO with various near-optimal, as well as optimal, joint detections. The differentiated error performance of transmit antennas is also shown to be mainly attributed to the difference of individual components, and the tendency becomes stronger as the constellation size increases. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed ordering technique better meets the UEP requirement with lower computational complexity than the conventional ordering. Assuming N-t x N-t MIMO systems, the previous ordering and the proposed ordering require O(N-t(3)) + Sigma N=2(Nt-1) O(NNt2 + N-3) and O(N-t(3)), respectively.

  • 出版日期2016-9