
The reaction of NiCl2 center dot 2H(2)O with acetamidoxime (MeC(NH2)=NOH) in the presence of PhCN in MeOH gave the cationic dimetallic complex [1]Cl-4, bearing bridging O-coordinated aminonitrone and chelating imidoylamidoxime ligands, derived from amidoxime-PhCN coupling. The experimental data and theoretical calculations (M06/MDF10(Ni) and 6-31G*(other atoms) indicated that the aminonitrone form of amidoxime was stabilized only as a (2)-O-bridging ligand, whereas N-oxime-coordination was preferred rather than O-coordination for monodentate-coordinated amidoximes.

  • 出版日期2017-10-23