
Air pollution, environmental disparities and mortality: A spatial approach
This paper presents the first nationwide study of environmental health inequalities in France. Using an econometric analysis of panel data collected from 2000 through 2004 at the district level, we investigated total mortality rates in relation to socioeconomic status and air pollution. Concentrations of CO, SO(2), NO(2), NO, O(3) and PM(10) were estimated by spatial interpolation from local observations by a network of monitoring stations. We used a multivariate model to investigate first the relationship between socioeconomic factors and total mortality; we next assessed its relationship with the environmental air quality measured within the district. Mortality was positively and significantly related to NO(2) especially at high concentrations, and the relative risk was higher for women. NO(2) levels also tended to modify the effect of unemployment on the mortality rate.

  • 出版日期2011-6
