
It is now about 40 years ago that the mechanism of renal 1-alpha-hydroxylation of vitamin D was discovered and characterized. After this seminal observation, the key role of the active vitamin D derivative 1, 25-(OH)2-vitamin D (calcitriol) in calcium homeostasis and bone mineralization, and its specific role in the course of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and renal osteopathy, was unraveled step by step, while the precursor 25-OH-vitamin D (calcidiol) was gradually ignored. Calcitriol and its synthetic analogue alfa-calcidol became the first-line standard drug to tackle secondary hyperparathyroidism (sHPT) in CKD. Potential side-effects, including hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and vascular calcification, were partly abrogated by developing less calcemic substances such as paricalcitol or maxacalcitol. Thus, TIME Magazine surprised when nominating vitamin D, with regard to its newly discovered pleiotropic actions, as one of the "top medical breakthroughs" in the December issue of 2007. This vote was driven by novel and spectacular insights into the pivotal regulatory role of vitamin D with regard to autoimmune diseases, immune defense, cancer development and progression, and cardiovascular function and disease. More than 30 cell types express the vitamin D receptor (VDR), and more than ten organs in addition to the kidney are capable of paracrine 1-alpha-hydroxylation. More than 200 genes are under the control of calcitriol. A MEDLINE search performed in December 2009 focusing on the keywords "vitamin D-and-kidney-and-2009" yielded 523 hits. This review intends to give a subjective and CKD-related update on novel biological and clinical insights with relevance to the steroid hormone vitamin D.

  • 出版日期2011-1