
Aims It is the aim of this study to determine, by means of a questionnaire completed by patients attending ten UK dental practices, patients' level of knowledge on dental materials and techniques. Materials and methods Members of The PREP (Product Research and Evaluation by Practitioners) Panel were asked to recruit patients to participate in a questionnaire-based assessment of their knowledge of dental materials. Results Two hundred and forty-nine patients took part in the questionnaire. Sixty-three percent (n = 157) of the respondents were female and 92% (n = 229) of the respondents stated they were regular attenders at the dental practice. The respondents were asked how important the quality of dental materials used in their mouth was, and on a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) where 1 = not important and 10 = very important, the result was 9.6. The same score was recorded when they were asked how important it was that the materials used in their mouth were supported with relevant clinical research evidence and long term data of the success of the material. They were also questioned on the subjects of price, manufacturer, source or material and type of filling material. A significant amount of respondents demonstrated that they had concerns over the use of amalgam. Conclusions Respondents expressed strong views that the materials used on their teeth should have a robust evidence base and they care about the materials that are used in their mouths.

  • 出版日期2015-12