Accuracy assessment of high frequency radar current measurements in the Strait of Gibraltar

作者:Lorente P*; Soto Navarro J; Alvarez Fanjul E; Piedracoba S
来源:Journal of Operational Oceanography, 2014, 7(2): 59-73.


An assessment of accuracy of a three site short-range (27 MHz) CODAR SeaSonde HF radar network deployed in the Strait of Gibraltar is attempted by comparing its surface current estimates with measurements from a moored point current meter Radial and total current vectors are compared for a 47 day period from 19 October to 4 December 2013, yielding angular offsets, root mean square errors and correlations in the range 2 degrees-30 degrees, 8-22 cm.s(-1) and 0.31-0.81, respectively. Statistics improve when the measured antenna pattern is used, except at one radar site. A self-consistency check in overwater baseline reveals that the dominant source of velocity differences is HF radar variance error

  • 出版日期2014-8