
Failure studies are important for engineering practices. Lessons learned from failures provide valuable information to help ensure future success. This paper explores the causes of failure in mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) structures reinforced with geosynthetics. Nineteen cases of MSE failure are carefully examined and quantitatively studied. The results of the forensic study indicate that intense rainfall is the primary natural cause for the observed MSE failures. Incorrect engineering practices are also implicated in the MSE malfunctions, and the study determines that inadequate project planning and site exploration and poor construction quality are the most important reasons for human-caused failures. In addition, the study also shows that MSE failures occur because of a lack of essential training in traditional slope stability analysis, rather than from a deficiency in MSE expertise. The results of this study offer useful lessons to MSE professionals for not only improving their engineering practices but also ensuring more reliable MSE structures in the future.

  • 出版日期2013-10-1
