
Dynamical behavior of a vivax malaria model is provided and regular recurrences of the symptoms of the tertian fever are described in the human body. We calculate the basic reproduction number R(0) and explain the connection between the basic reproduction number and the parasite-threshold. If R(0) < 1, then plasmodium vivax will be eliminated. If R(0) > 1, then malarial parasites are survivable and there is a so called parasite-threshold. When the value of the parasites is larger than this parasite-threshold the symptoms of the tertian fever appear; otherwise, if the value of the parasites is less than this parasite-threshold the tertian fever cannot give signs of the symptoms suddenly in vivo. We illustrate that the gravity of infected baby is worse than that of infected grownup and also explain that the advancing of the vivax malaria can be arrested by eliminating malarial parasites in erythrocyte stage with clinical treatment by numerical simulations.