
A pairwise distance technique developed by the authors is used to identify signs of fractal structure in sets of extragalactic supernovae (822 type Ia supernovae in the regions 300A degrees a parts per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand alpha a parts per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand 360A degrees and 0A degrees aEuro parts per thousand a parts per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand alpha a parts per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand 60A degrees , - 5A degrees aEuro parts per thousand a parts per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand delta a parts per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand 5A degrees). Since the region of space occupied by the objects in the sample is highly oblate, we use Mandelbrot%26apos;s codimensionality theorem. Three cosmological models are examined: a model with a euclidean metric, a %26quot;tired light%26quot; model, and the standard I %26gt; CDM model. Estimates of a fractal dimensionality of D a parts per thousand... 2.69 are obtained for the first two models and D a parts per thousand... 2.64 for the I %26gt; CDM model.

  • 出版日期2014-6
