
The course of digital filter design in electronic/electrical engineering involves complicated mathematical equations and dynamic waveform variations It is a consensus among educators that using simulation tools assist in improving students learning experiences Previous studies on system simulation seemed to lack an appropriate approach to design such a course Few emphasized the design of an interactive learning environment by using an evolutionary approach This study integrated the design concept of an evolutionary approach and Web service-based technology into a simulation system entitled Pedagogical Web Service-Based Interactive Learning Environment (PEWSILE) was introduced The PEWSILE system contained two interactive learning environments-a simple system and an advanced system It offered a total of six pedagogical Web services The simple interactive learning environment included text/color-based services, and text/color/diagram-based services The advanced interactive learning environment included batch-based, interval change-based comparison-based and scroll bar-based services The study also assessed the students' performance in six pedagogical Web services covering interaction and overall use, usefulness, and intention to use through a questionnaire survey and subsequent interviews Three significant findings were reported For example, in the advanced interactive learning environment, the designs of interval change-based and comparison-based services make it easier to observe differences in the outcome of parameter change, while batch-based services lacks the element of waveform comparison In sum, the findings in this study provide helpful impl

  • 出版日期2010-9