
Computer simulation was performed for the processes occurring in the basic elements of the cathode (active layer, gas-diffusion layer) and bipolar plate of a fuel cell with Nafion as electrolyte and a platinum catalyst. Current generation in the active layer was considered together with the heat exchange processes (release of the heat formed in the active layer through the gas-diffusion layer into the bipolar plate), gas and vapor exchange in the gas-diffusion layer and process of the gas reagent (oxygen) saturation by water vapor in the bipolar plate channels. Voltammetric curves and dependences on the cathode potential of the power density, vapor flow dissipated from the active layer to the bipolar plate, actual active layer temperature and reduced partial pressures of oxygen and water vapors near the interface between the active and gas-diffusion layers were calculated. Analysis is performed of the way the heating of the cathode active layer intensifies the process of current generation in it, significantly increasing the value of overall characteristics of the cathode (current and power density).

  • 出版日期2009-11
