
We investigate the response of the saturated Zone (unconfined aquifer) to evapotranspiration (FT) flux at ground surface We neglect fluid flow and storage in the unsaturated zone and treat ET as a sinusoidal forcing function at the watertable. The linearized kinematic condition is imposed at the watertable Analytical solutions are developed for the case of flow in a domain of (a) semi-infinite extent to simulate response in a domain bounded by a river and (b) infinite lateral extent to simulate the response ill a domain with no river boundaries These solutions are fitted to observed groundwater head fluctuations recorded in observation wells at the Boise Hydiogeophysical Research Site in Idaho and the Larned Research Site in Kansas Estimates of the amplitude of the ET flux. aquifer hydraulic conductivity, Specific storage and specific yield are obtained and these compare well to published results from pumping tests conducted at the s

  • 出版日期2010-3-1