
An advanced software-controlled focused ion beam (FIB) patterning process for the fabrication of combined atomic force-scanning electrochemical microscopy (AFM-SECM) probes is reported. FIB milling is a standard process in scanning probe microscopy (SPM) for specialized SPM probe fabrication. For AFM-SECM, milling of bifunctional probes usually requires several milling steps. Milling such complex multi-layer/multi-material structures using a single milling routine leads to significantly reduced fabrication times and costs. Based on an advanced patterning routine, a semi-automated FIB milling routine for fabricating combined AFM-SECM probes with high reproducibility is presented with future potential for processing at a wafer level. The fabricated bifunctional probes were electrochemically characterized using cyclic voltammetry, and their performance for AFM-SECM imaging experiments was tested. Different insulation materials (Parylene-C and SixNy) have been evaluated with respect to facilitating the overall milling process, the influence on the electrochemical behavior and the long-term stability of the obtained probes. Furthermore, the influence of material composition and layer sequence to the overall shape and properties of the combined probes were evaluated.

  • 出版日期2015-1