
A digital thermo-hygro controller was designed and fabricated using humidity (HIH-3610) and temperature (LM-35) sensors connected to a programmable microcontroller 16F876 of PLC family. This unit was calibrated with the standard Kestrel 4000 NV Weather Meter and psychrometer. It was tested for humidity and temperature measurements in the Green Houses, Glass Houses, Textile Spinning Units, Agro-climatology and Crop-physiology labs. Statistical analyses, like as T-test, standard deviation on the data obtained were performed to compare its performance with the standard thermo-hygrometers. The error in its performance was only similar to 5% in humidity and similar to 2% in temperature measurements. It gave prompt response directly and had low power consumption. Thus, it can be rated as a reliable and an economical three times cheaper replacement of the currently in use expensive imported devices. It is useful for agricultural and industrial sector and where a pre-decided humidity and temperature levels are needed to be monitored.

  • 出版日期2011