
In deciduous trees, measurement of stem water potential can be difficult during the leafless period in winter. By using thermo-couple psychrometry, osmotic water potentials (Psi(o); actual Psi(o): Psi(o(act)); Psi(o) at full saturation: Psi(o(sat))) of expressed sap of bark and bud tissue were measured in order to test if the severity of winter desiccation in apple stems could be sufficiently assessed with Psi(o). Water potentials were related to frost resistance and freezing behaviour of buds. The determination of Psi(o) reliably allowed winter desiccation and osmotic adjustments in apple stem tissue to be assessed. In winter in bark tissue, a pronounced decrease in Psi(o(act)) and Psi(o(sat)) was found. Decreased Psi(o(sat)) indicates active osmotic adjustment in the bark as observed earlier in the leaves of evergreen woody plants. In terminal bud meristems, no significant osmotic adjustments occurred and dehydration during winter was much less. Osmotic water potentials, Psi(o(act)) and Psi(o(sat)), of bud tissue were always less negative than in the bark. To prevent water movement and dehydration of the bud tissue via this osmotic gradient, it must be compensated for either by a sufficiently high turgor pressure (Psi(p)) in bark tissue or by the isolation of the bud tissue from the bark during midwinter. During freezing of apple buds, freeze dehydration and extra-organ freezing could be demonstrated by significantly reduced Psi(o(act)) values of bud meristems that had been excised in the frozen state. Infrared video thermography was used to monitor freezing patterns in apple twigs. During extracellular freezing of intact and longitudinally dissected stems, infrared differential thermal analysis (IDTA) images showed that the bud meristem remains ice free. Even if cooled to temperatures below the frost-killing temperature, no freezing event could be detected in bud meristems during winter. In contrast, after bud break, terminal buds showed a second freezing at the frost-killing temperature that indicates deep supercooling. Our results demonstrate the applicability of thermocouple psychrometry for the assessment of winter desiccation in stem tissues of deciduous trees and corroborate the finding that dormant apple buds survive by extra-organ freezing and do not deep supercool. In addition, they indicate that significant changes of the frost-survival mechanism can occur during the apple bud development in spring.

  • 出版日期2013-8