
Based on classical mean-field approximation using the diffusion equation for ergodic normal motion of single 24-nm and 100-nm nanospheres, we simulated and measured molecule number counting in fluorescence fluctuation microscopy. The 3D-measurement set included a single molecule, or an ensemble average of single molecules, an observation volume Delta V and a local environment, e.g. aqueous solution. For the molecule number N << 1 per Delta V, there was only one molecule at a time inside Delta V or no molecule. The mean rate k of re-entries defined by k = N / tau(dif) was independent of the geometry of Delta V but depended on the size of Delta V and the diffusive properties tau(dif). The length distribution l of single-molecule trajectories inside Delta V and the measured photon count rates I obeyed power laws with anomalous exponent kappa = -1.32 approximate to -4/3.

  • 出版日期2010-8-16