
Emergent aquatic macrophytes play an important role in the removal of nutrients in constructed wet-lands (CWs). However, plant biomass supplies litter after the onset of senescence. Although litter-derived nitrogen (N) has been considered a nutrient source for the internal loading that may reduce CW performance, little is known about the quantitative N dynamics associated with litter decomposition. Thus, a controversial question remains about whether plant harvest is needed to manage CWs. In this study, we evaluated the decomposition and the fate of N derived from N-15-labeled Phragmites litter in a CW for 1 year. To simulate respective natural conditions, two treatments, including (1) a single winter harvest and (2) no harvest where the latter supplies a greater stem litterfall, were compared. Although the dry weight of the added stem litter was approximately 4.7 times larger in the no harvest plot than in the harvest plot, the total N content of the initial N-15-labeled litter was only 1.2 times higher in the no harvest plot than in the harvest plots because of the low N concentration in the stem litter. The litter functioned as a minor N sink within the first 6 months of decomposition, and it then shifted to functioning as a minor N source after 1 year of decomposition. The recovery of litter-derived N in the sediment and plant biomass was low (less than 10% of the initial litter N), and much of the remaining N might have been released into ambient water or lost through denitrification. Furthermore, our results suggested a potentially low contribution of litter-derived N to internal N loading for at least 1 year regardless of the harvest management treatment.