A Growing Urban Region - Model Calculations on Population Growth in the Urban Region East

作者:Fassmann Heinz*; Goergl Peter
来源:Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 2010, 152: 183-200.


A Growing Urban Region Model Calculations on Population Growth in the Urban Region East
The Urban Region East, the Vienna Region, will grow further. When in the year 2009 around 2.6 million people were living in the agglomeration (1.7 million in Vienna [Wien] and ca. 900,000 in its surroundings), we will face a number of around 3 million in 2030 (2 millions in the city of Vienna and 1 million in the surroundings). This lets for the first time in history the question arise, how this growth can be managed. By model calculations this question was answered under various assumptions: Which spatial structure emerges, when current trends are extrapolated into the future? How will growth spread over the urban region, when the wishes of communal representatives are respected? And how many people is the urban region able to host, when growth is confined to parts of the urban region, which are easily accessible? This is the topic of this contribution.