
The body of arthropods is subdivided in serially homologous units, the so-called segments. In many arthropods, ventral and dorsal segmental tissue typically is aligned in parallel, but is dependent on different genetic inputs. In the pill millipede Glomeris marginata (Myriapoda: Diplopoda), ventral and dorsal segmental patterning is clearly decoupled providing an excellent model for the investigation of ventral versus dorsal segmentation mechanisms. This paper reports on the finding of a single embryo that lacks dorsal segmental and extraembryonic tissue. Ventral derivatives, however, are widely developed normally. This suggests that ventral and dorsal tissue is not only patterned differently, as shown previously, but also that ventral tissue can develop (or at least persist) independently from dorsal tissue. It also suggests a correlation of dorsal segmentation and function of the extraembryonic tissue. This assumed correlation may involve the guidance of the two dorsal hemispheres of the developing embryo dorsally, or that formation and/or maintenance of extraembryonic tissue depends on the input of dorsal segmental tissue. Whether the observed abnormalities are caused by mutation or are the result of otherwise disturbed early development is unclear.

  • 出版日期2011-12