
The aromatase (ArKO) knockout mouse is estrogen deficient. Our previous analysis revealed apoptosis of dopaminergic neurons in the arcuate nucleus (Are) and medial preoptic area (MPO) of 1-year-old male ArKO mice. We sought to determine which estrogen receptor (ER) is involved in the anti-apoptotic action of estrogen. Male ArKO (9.5-month-old) mice were treated with 16 alpha-LE2 (ER alpha-specific agonist) or 8 beta-VE2 (ER beta-specific agonist). Daily injections (6 weeks) with 160(LE, prevented dopaminergic cell death in the Arc of male ArKO mice, with no significant effect of 8 beta-VE2 treatment. In contrast, 8 beta-VE2 prevented dopaminergic cell death in the MPO, while 16ot-LE had no significant effect. Concomitant decreases in Fas and FasL protein levels were found upon 16 alpha-LE2 and 8 beta-VE2 treatment in the Are and MPO, respectively. Our results indicate that anti-apoptotic effects of estrogen are ER mediated, and the specific ER subtype involved in regulating apoptosis depends on the particular brain nucleus in question.