
Content of Maillard reaction products (MRPs) such as pentosidine, carboxymethyllysine and furosine in soybean sauce, sour-sweet sauce, tomato sauce, barbecue sauce, and sauce-treated chicken, pork, beef, salmon and cod was analysed. In test sauces, MRP content was in the range of 10-692 mu g/100 mL sample. MRP content in raw, boiled, fried and baked foods was in the range of 10-76 mu g/100 g sample. Boiling, frying and baking caused significantly higher MRP levels in test foods (P < 0.05). MRP levels in soybean sauce, sour-sweet sauce and barbecue sauce-treated foods were in the range of 1094-2424, 1494-3146 and 1400-2926 mu g/100 g sample. The interactions of sauce, heating and frying oil markedly enhanced the formation of MRPs in sauce-treated foods. Because MRPs are glycative products; thus, patients with glycation associated diseases may consider limiting the dietary use of these sauces.