
Tacrolimus (FK506), an effective immunosuppressant, is widely used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. In this study, we identified that BulZ, a Streptomyces antibiotic regulatory protein (SARP) family regulator, acted as a positive regulator for spore differentiation and tacrolimus production. A knockout of bulZ resulted in a 47.5% decrease of tacrolimus production and a delay of spore differentiation. Using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis and electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs), it was found that BulZ directly activated the transcriptions of bulZ and bulS2, a putative gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) synthetase, and bulS2 was shown to play a positive role in tacrolimus biosynthesis. Meanwhile, BulZ was able to indirectly regulate the transcriptions of the cluster-linked activator genes tcs7 and fkbN, as well as the GBL receptor gene bulR1. STSU_RS22595, which encoded a WhiB family transcriptional regulator, was found to be a previously unknown potential target gene of BulZ based on a whole-genome search of the conserved sequence (5'-TSVAVVVNVNBTSRAGNN-3') of the SARP-binding motifs. Although overexpression of STSU_RS22595 did not result in an obvious enhancement of tacrolimus yield, STSU_RS22595 might have important effects on the spore differentiation process. Finally, co-overexpression of bulZ and its target gene bulS2 improved tacrolimus production by 36% compared to the control strain, reaching 324 mg/L. The insights obtained in this study will help further elucidate the regulatory mechanism of tacrolimus biosynthesis and provide new avenues for further improvement of tacrolimus production.