
A wavelet-based method is developed to calculate elastic band gaps of two-dimensional phononic crystals. The wave field is expanded in the wavelet basis and an equivalent eigenvalue problem is derived in a matrix form involving the adaptive computation of integrals of the wavelets. The method is applied to a binary system. We first compute the band gaps of Au cylinders in an epoxy host. The advantages of the wavelet-based method are discussed in regard with the well-known plane-wave expansion method. Then the method is used to compute the band gaps of Au cylinders in a soft rubber with elastic constant 10(6) times lower than that of Au. The convergence tests show that the wavelet-based method can reduce the Gibbs effect to a certain extent. These advantages make it possible for easy calculations of band structures of mixed solid-fluid phononic crystals where the traditional plane wave method encounters difficulties. In addition, the adaptability of wavelets makes the method possible for efficient band gap computations of more complex phononic structures.