
Eyes with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) were recently reported to have various choroidal thickness, and choroidal thickness might be associated with visual outcome in the treatment of many retinal disorders. The range of subfoveal choroidal thickness (SFCT), clinical features, and 3-month treatment response among three groups having different range of SFCT were investigated in PCV eyes. In 78 treatment-naive eyes with PCV, SFCT was measured using optical coherence tomography. Eyes were classified into thin, medium, and thick groups, using mean and one standard deviation of SFCT. Clinical features and imaging findings were compared among the three groups. Some eyes were treated with three consecutive monthly injection of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as an initial treatment. They were also classified into three thickness groups, and the short-term post-treatment improvement in visual acuity and central retinal thickness were compared among groups. The mean SFCT was 271.9 +/- 135.6 mu m. Twelve, 53, and 13 eyes were classified into thin (<136.3 mu m), medium (136.3-407.5 mu m), and thick (>407.5 mu m) groups, respectively. The thin group showed older age, lower visual acuity, and a higher prevalence of fundus tessellation than the other two groups (P<0.05). In multiple linear regression analyses, baseline BCVA was correlated with baseline SFCT. Forty-six eyes completed three consecutive anti-VEGF treatments. The thin group showed no visual improvement after treatment (P = 0.141), unlike the other two groups showing visual improvement (P<0.05). Eyes with PCV have a broad range of SFCT, and PCV eyes with a thin choroid manifest worse visual function than eyes with a medium or thick choroid.

  • 出版日期2017-9-8