
An erosion prediction method with the objective of determining wear profiles on various geometries due to slurry erosion, based on material wear data acquired from a minimum set of carefully selected laboratory tests and CFD (computational fluid dynamic) simulations has been developed. Data from a single standard laboratory test [Jet Impingement Test on a flat specimen oriented at 90 degrees to an impinging solid suspension (water and sand)] is characterised using CFD to acquire wear data for a range of erosion parameters as a function of position. This data is used to build a wear map for that specific material-abrasive (316L steel-AFS50/70 sand) combination. The accuracy of this method is assessed by predicting wear from further jet impingement tests at 90 degrees but under different flow velocities to that used to build the map and subsequently assessing against experiments. A good correlation between predicted and measured wear was observed.
An assessment of two phenomenological wear models (which profess to capture wear characteristics as a function of material properties) and one wear model that captures the above wear map statistically through the use of appropriate fitting functions is made.

  • 出版日期2011-6-22