
Previous electroencephalography studies revealed mixed effects of sustained distraction on early negative and later positive event-related potential components evoked by electrocutaneous stimuli. In our study we further examined the influence of sustained distraction to clarify these discrepancies. Electrocutaneous stimuli of three intensities were delivered in pulse trains to the forearm either while participants attended the stimuli or while they performed a mental-arithmetic or a word-association distraction task. The amplitudes of the N1 and the late P2/P3a components were attenuated during both distraction tasks. These results seem to resolve the debate concerning the attentional modulation of the N1 component. Furthermore, we observed that the amplitude of the late P2/P3a component was strongly affected by stimulus change, in line with the opinion that this component is actually a P3a orienting response. Our study additionally revealed that habituation effects were reflected in lower intensity ratings and reduced amplitudes of the N1 and P3a components. The latter effects were independent of the type of task, which suggests that habituation is unaffected by attention.

  • 出版日期2012