
Cyclic (Me2n-iPhiSinOn), formed by the pyrolysis of HO-(MePhSiO)(n)-(Me2SiO)(m)-H, was analyzed by GC-MS on an HP-5ms capillary column, and 25 compounds were identified by library search and interpretation of the mass spectra, Including Cyclic (Me2SiO)(n) (n = 3 - 7), cyclic (Me2n-1PhSinOn) and Cyclic (Me2n-2Ph2SinOn). Two isomers of Me4Ph2Si3O3 (D-3(2Ph)) and four isomers of Me6Ph2Si4O4 (D-4(2Ph)) were separated respectively, and it was found that there was a statistical distribution of the isomers for every oligomethylphenyleyelosiloxanes(D-3(2Ph), D-4(2Ph) and D-5(2Ph)). The phenyl content and the Phenyl/methyl ratio in the sample were also obtained, and validated with H-1 NMR.