
The most abundant cell type in the blood of mammals and fish is erythrocyte. Unlike mammalian erythrocyte, fish erythrocyte is nucleated. The functional differentiation of teleost erythrocyte is insufficient compared with that of mammals. Therefore, fish erythrocyte may have different functions from that of mammals. Functional interaction between erythrocyte and leukocyte was confirmed by the cDNA microarray newly constructed in this study to investigate characterization of rock bream erythrocyte. In this study, different immune related genes of erythrocytes were annotated by microarray analysis. Microarray analysis showed that a total of 338 genes were up-regulated in co-cultured erythrocytes with leukocytes by LPS stimulation when comparing to erythrocytes stimulated LPS. Many genes in erythrocyte of rock bream were up-regulated in presence of leukocytes, suggesting that erythrocytes interact with leukocytes to trigger expression of various genes associated with the immune system. Our results provide valuable information that direct and indirect immunological function of fish erythrocyte.

  • 出版日期2016-10