A generalized model via random walks for information filtering

作者:Ren, Zhuo-Ming*; Kong, Yixiu; Shang, Ming-Shang*; Zhang, Yi-Cheng
来源:Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics , 2016, 380(34): 2608-2614.


There could exist a simple general mechanism lurking beneath collaborative filtering and interdisciplinary physics approaches which have been successfully applied to online E-commerce platforms. Motivated by this idea, we propose a generalized model employing the dynamics of the random walk in the bipartite networks. Taking into account the degree information, the proposed generalized model could deduce the collaborative filtering, interdisciplinary physics approaches and even the enormous expansion of them. Furthermore, we analyze the generalized model with single and hybrid of degree information on the process of random walk in bipartite networks, and propose a possible strategy by using the hybrid degree information for different popular objects to toward promising precision of the recommendation.