
Aphelenchoides stellatus n. sp. is described and figured. The new species was isolated from packaging wood from Japan imported to Ningbo harbour, China. The new species has a body length of 485-533 mu m (males) and 547-699 mu m (females). The cuticle is weakly annulated and there are four lines in the lateral field. The stylet is 9-11 mu m long and has small basal swellings. The excretory pore is located posterior to the nerve ring. Spicules smoothly curved, rose-thorn shaped. Apex and rostrum round, only slightly offset, dorsal limb 19-21 mu m long. Male tail bearing six (2 + 2 + 2) caudal papillae. The female spermatheca is axial and oblong with round sperm present in multiple rows. Both male and female tail pegs have 3-4 processes, appearing star-like under SEM. The new species belongs to the Group 3 category of Aphelenchoides species. Phylogenetic analyses based on full length ITS and 28S D2/D3 region of rDNA confirmed its morphological status as a new species.