
The study of the cave system A at Aridaia, Greece brought to light sequences of sediment formation including archaeological deposits at their topmost layers, and thin- to fine-quartzed sediment for the rest underneath deposits. Within past studies, radiocarbon and ESR dating provided ages for charcoal samples from the near-surface archaeological units and travertine layers, respectively, recent OSL dating has been focused oil the grounds and formation time of mainly the lower most sequences. The study aims at the analysis and chronological estimation of quartz-rich fine sediments using OSL and combined grain size distributions and chemical/mineralogical analysis to provide data about the evolution of the cave environment. The results indicate elastic sedimentation during Late Pleistocene caused by a river flow in the vicinity of the system; neotectonic episodes interrupted this activity which then allowed speleo-chemical processes generating calcitic cave formations.

  • 出版日期2008-6