
Many functional models of the cerebellar microcircuit are based on the adaptive-filter model first proposed by Fujita. The adaptive filter has powerful signal processing capacities that are suitable for both sensory and motor tasks, and uses a simple and intuitively plausible decorrelation learning rule that offers an account of the evolution of the inferior olive. Moreover, in those cases where the input-output transformations of cerebellar microzones have been sufficiently characterised, they appear to conform to those predicted by the adaptive-filter model.
However, these cases are few in number, and comparing the model with the internal operations of the microcircuit itself has not proved straightforward. Whereas some microcircuit features appear compatible with adaptive-filter function, others, such as simple granular-layer processing or Purkinje cell bistability, do not. How far these seeming incompatibilities indicate additional computational roles for the cerebellar microcircuit remains to be determined.

  • 出版日期2010-9