
The values of the parameters of the Clark instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH) are often relying on the subjective decision of the researcher, which leads to large variations of their values. Therefore, an objective method minimizing the subjective judgement in the IUH modelling procedure while providing a reduced range of acceptable values is proposed. The proposed method uses a basin average IUH to mitigate the robustness problem of the Clark IUH parameters. Using linear system theory, the z-transform is applied to the average IUH and then the IUH polynomial is factored into the recession and time-area curve (TAC) components based on a convolution relation between the Clark IUH parameters. During this calculation, the root selection method was adopted to verify the storage coefficient R from the recession component and a linear programming technique was applied for determining the TAC for the basin of interest. The Wi River basin was used to test the applicability of the proposed method. The results showed that the components of a single reservoir and the TAC for Clark IUH were separated effectively, and acceptable values for the parameters were obtained.

  • 出版日期2011-11-15