Sobrecarga de familiares de pacientes psiqui芍tricos: comparaˋˋo entre diferentes tipos de cuidadores

作者:Albuquerque; Ellen Pinheiro Tenorio de; Cintra; Ana Maria de Oliveira; Bandeira; Marina
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria, 2010.


objective: to investigate the subjective and objective burden in three different types of family caregivers. method: the family burden interview schedule (fbis-br) was administered to 30 parents, 30 siblings and 30 spouses caregivers of psychiatric patients with diagnoses of schizophrenia spectrum or mood disorders. results: significant differences between groups were found on seven items of the scale. parents had higher burden scores than brothers, in regard to how often they prepared meals for patients and advised them on how to use their free time. they also felt a greater degree of discomfort from having to shop for them and had the impression of a greater financial burden. compared to spouses, parents had to deal more often with patients%26apos; aggressive behaviors, had higher expenses with them, and were, in addition, more worried about their future. spouses had higher burden score than brothers, in regard to perceived financial weight. conclusions: the differences observed in caregiver burden suggest the need for planning interventions that take into account the particularities of each type of caregiver.

  • 出版日期2010
