
The discrete-modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution (DM-CV-QKD) could break the distance limitation of Gaussian-modulated CV-QKD. In practice, the high-performance error correction code plays an important role in DM-CV-QKD and affects the secure transmission distance. However, DM-CV-QKD usually works under low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the design of high-performance error correction code under this condition is difficult, so that it would impose a limitation on further improvement of the secure distance. We propose a DM-CV-QKD with the machine-learning-based detector to further improve the secure distance. The numerical result shows that the proposed scheme could validly improve the system performance. Viewed from another perspective, the proposed scheme could be employed to overcome various impairments induced by the channel and thereby lower the demand of error correction codes on the SNR threshold of the quantum channel without compromising the system performance. The proposed scheme opens the door to applying machine leaning to directly process the raw secret key and improve the performance for CV-QKD systems.