
Endometrial proliferation is regulated by steroid receptors such as estrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha), estrogen receptor beta (ER beta) and progesterone receptor (PR). HER2/neu is an important growth factor receptor which affects cell proliferation and Ki67 is a marker of cellular proliferation. Their interaction in endometrioid type of endometrial carcinoma is still not fully understood. In this study, we analyzed the immunolocalisation of ER alpha and ER beta with particular attention to the ER beta cx isoform, PR, HER2/neu and Ki67 in endometrioid carcinoma. Their correlations with each other and with the conventional morphological prognostic parameters of myoinvasion and tumor grade were analyzed with respect to overall survival. Out of a total 54 cases, 14 showed evidence of local recurrence or metastatic disease within 5 years with poor outcome, whereas the rest had no evidence of disease. ER alpha, ER beta, ER beta cx, PR, HER2/neu and Ki67 were detected using immunohistochemistry. The histological grade of the tumor correlated inversely with the intensity of immunolabelling of ER alpha and PR, and this was highly significant. The depth of myoinvasion showed an inverse correlation only with the ER beta 2/beta cx immunopositivity and was not significantly associated with any other receptor evaluated. Analysis of the inter-relationship between receptor immunopositivity revealed a significant association of ER alpha immunolocalisation with ER beta and with PR. Immunodetection of HER2/neu receptor correlated positively with both ER alpha and PR immunolabelling. The Ki-67 proliferation index correlated only with ER alpha immunopositivity. Preliminary observations suggested that with the exception of ER alpha , there was no correlation of any of the receptors evaluated with survival.