
Chromium is a very important metal due to its use in various industries, such as dye%26apos;, pigments and stainless steel Hexavalent chromium. is a earcinogen. Its deterinination in varionsTenvironmental Segments is -always a, Challenging issue for environmental researchers. In this concern first section of this review article :gives a brief history of chromium, such as its oxidationstates, production information, uses, biological importance, exposure pathways and regulatory concentration levels. The second section explains aboutthe sources of chromium and the next section gives the details of health effects and toxicity caused due to the presence Of chromium in various environmental segments. Finally this paper.discusses the determination, of chroiniunt in different biological and environmental samples various analytical technique, suchas-atomic absorption spectrorneter, Spectrophotometet, Voltammeter, Inductively coupled plasma techniques (ICP-AES, OS), potentiometer, spectrofluorometer, HPLC/GC-MS and cherailurninescence reported by the researchers worldwide sine 2006. All the data collected during the literature survey is tabulated; which gives important information about the.analytieal methods and techniques used for the chromium determination.

  • 出版日期2013-7