Nonvolatile Nanopipelining Logic Using Multiferroic Single-Domain Nanomagnets

作者:Yilmaz Yalcin*; Mazumder Pinaki
来源:IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, 2013, 21(7): 1181-1188.


Multiferroic single-domain nanomagnetics is a promising emerging nanotechnology poised to usher in ultralow energy nanomagnetic nonvolatile logic circuits in numerous medical applications, such as implants and prosthesis, where battery longevity is paramount. This paper evaluates the fundamental mode of signal propagation over ferromagnetically and antiferromagnetically coupled wires and interaction between the magnetic nanoparticles to perform nonvolatile logic functions, such the majority gate that sets its output to 1 when the majority of the inputs is 1. By taking advantage of magnetic nonvolatility, the paper demonstrates nanopipelining signal processing, data propagation performance, and functionality of basic building blocks. Our results indicate that effective nanopipeling can be achieved with clock periods approaching 9 ns and energy dissipation of 20 aJ per nanomagnet switch with the device sizes considered.

  • 出版日期2013-7