
We perform an asymptotic analysis of general particle systems arising in collective behavior in the limit of large self-propulsion and friction forces. These asymptotics impose a fixed speed in the limit, and thus a reduction of the dynamics to a sphere in the velocity variables. The limit models are obtained by averaging with respect to the fast dynamics. We can include all typical effects in the applications: short-range repulsion, long-range attraction, and alignment. For instance, we can rigorously show that the Cucker-Smale model is reduced to a Vicsek-like model without noise in this asymptotic limit. Finally, a formal expansion based on the reduced dynamics allows us to treat the case of diffusion reducing the Cucker-Smale model with diffusion to the non-normalized Vicsek model as in Ref. 29. This technique follows closely the gyroaverage method used when studying the magnetic confinement of charged particles. The main new mathematical difficulty is to deal with measure solutions in this expansion procedure.

  • 出版日期2013-12
