Minimum ignition energy of methanol-air mixtures

作者:Fernandez Tarrazo Eduardo*; Sanchez Sanz Mario; Sanchez Antonio L; Williams Forman A
来源:Combustion and Flame, 2016, 171: 234-236.


A method for computing minimum ignition energies for gaseous fuel mixtures with detailed and reduced chemistry, by numerical integration of time-dependent conservation equations in a spherically symmetrical configuration, is presented and discussed, testing its general characteristics and accuracy. The method is applied to methanol-air mixtures described by a 38-step Arrhenius chemistry description and by an 8 step chemistry description based on steady-state approximations for reaction intermediaries. Comparisons of predictions with results of available experimental measurements produced reasonable agreements and supported both the robustness of the computational method and the usefulness of the 8-step reduction in achieving accurate predictions.