
Piper longum L. is a well-known traditional antihyperlipidemic medicine in China, containing medicinal constituents of piperine, pipernonaline and piperlonguminine in its fruit. However, the antitumor properties of these constituents have not yet been studied. We found that potassium piperate (GBK), a derivative of piperine, inhibited proliferation of cancer cells. GBK selectively inhibited the G1-S-phase transition in breast cancer cells and the G1 arrest was correlated with induction of p27 expression, which is an inhibitor for cyclin-dependent kinases, and inhibition of cyclin A, cyclin E and cyclin B expression. Moreover, GBK treatment led to a downregulation of the mini-chromosome maintenance protein expression and induction of mitochondrial-dependent cell apoptosis in breast cancer cells. Our results also suggested that GBK might also inhibit cancer cell proliferation through epigenetic signaling pathways. A synergistic effect in inhibition of cancer cell proliferation was found when GBK was combined with chemotherapy medicines etoposide phosphate or cisplatin at middle or low doses in vitro. These results show that GBK is a novel potential anti-breast cancer drug that inhibits cell proliferation and promotes cell apoptosis.
