
Eukaryotic expression plasmid (PVAX 1/E-0) of E-0 gene was constructed from an isolated strain of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) from sika deer and transfected into the BHK-21 cells to detect E-0 gene transcription expression level and protein expression level. It was found that E-0 gene could express in BHK-21 cells by RT-PCR and ELESA results. The humoral and cellular immune response levels were detected in rabbits immunized with PAVX1/E-0 and inactivated vaccine by ELESA technology, which reached the peak after 42 days immunization and PVAX1/E-0 immune rabbits could produce specific higher cells immune responses level in comparison to inactivated vaccine group. This is the first report demonstrating and "immunogenicity" of BVDV E-0 gene on "sika deer", indicating a new vaccine target for BVDV.