
This study shows the test usage of Mobile Automated Astronomical System No. 1 (MAAS-1) in a local network with an area of approximately 50 km sq. The network has been built-up especially for experimental purposes to compare the local quasigeoid model determined by three different methods, namely GNSS-levelling, astronomical levelling and gravimetry. The network consists of 34 core points where the astronomic and geodetic coordinates have been measured. Subsequently, the measured data have been processed to obtain vertical deflections and to determine the quasigeoid heights by astronomical levelling. Afterwards, the quasigeoid model has been independently determined also using gravimetric measurements and by the method of GNSS-levelling. In this paper the results of the comparison of quasigeoid models are being presented. The overall agreement of independently determined quasigeoids is on the level of 3 mm. After an overall accuracy evaluation of resulting quasigeoid model authors discuss the benefits of astronomical measurements using MAAS-1.

  • 出版日期2013