
A fold of tissue, the lingual frenulum, extends onto the inferior surface of the tongue from near the base of the tongue on midline. The shape, length and alignment of lingual frenulum vary between individuals. The aim of this study is to evaluate morphology of lingual frenulum with respect to gender. Ninety seven volunteers who were students and employees of Zonguldak Karaelmas University, School of Medicine participated in the study. Two individuals with a history of hepatitis and 20 individuals with inadequate photographs were excluded from the study. Morphometric analyses were performed on the photographs of 75 volunteers (36 men, 39 women). Lingual frenulum photograph of each individual was taken using standard photographic techniques. The individual opened his/her mouth as much as possible with the tongue in contact with the interior surface of the two middle incisors. The morphology of the lingual frenulum was evaluated with linear measurements and geometric morphometrics methods. The length of lingual frenulum between the attachments of it, to the floor of the mouth and the inferior surface of the tongue were measured using Digimizer software. Four reference points determined previously were marked by tpsDig2 software on photographs. This process was repeated for each sample to create a txt file containing reference points of 75 individuals. Statistical analysis of txt files were carried out using Morpheus software. There were no statistically significant differences between the linear measurements of lingual frenulum according to gender (p%26gt;0.05). Lingual frenulum had no gender differences according to geometric morphometrics analysis as well (p%26gt;0.05). It can be suggested that lingual frenulum had similar architecture in both sexes. Un pliegue de tejido, el frenillo lingual, se extiende sobre la superficie inferior de la lengua cerca de su base en la l赤nea mediana. La forma, la longitud y la alineaci車n del frenillo lingual pueden variar entre los individuos. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la morfolog赤a del frenillo lingual con respecto al sexo. Participaron en el estudio 97 voluntarios, estudiantes y empleados de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Zonguldak Karaelmas. Dos individuos con antecedentes de hepatitis y 20 personas con fotograf赤as inapropiadas fueron excluidas del estudio. El an芍lisis morfom谷trico se llev車 a cabo en las fotograf赤as de 75 voluntarios (36 hombres y 39 mujeres). La fotograf赤a del frenillo lingual de cada individuo fue tomada usando las t谷cnicas fotogr芍ficas convencionales. Cada individuo abri車 su boca tant

  • 出版日期2011
