
Nuclear localization of classical growth factors is a well-known phenomenon but still remains a molecular and cellular conundrum. Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) is an excellent example of a protein which functions as an extracellular molecule involved in canonical receptor tyrosine kinase signaling as well as displaying intracellular functions. Paracrine and nuclear functions are two important sides of the same protein. FGF-2 is expressed in isoforms with different molecular weights from one mRNA species. In rodents, all of these isoforms become imported to the nucleus. In this review, we discuss structural and functional aspects of FGF-2 isoforms in the nervous system. The nuclear odyssey of FGF-2 is reflected by nuclear dynamics, localization to nuclear bodies such as nucleoli, binding to chromatin and engagement in various protein interactions. Recently discovered molecular partnerships of the isoforms shed light on their nuclear functions, thereby greatly extending our knowledge of the multifaceted functions of FGF-2.

  • 出版日期2015-5