
An inexact two-stage fuzzy-stochastic programming (ITFSP) method is developed for water resources management under uncertainty. Fuzzy sets theory is introduced to represent various punishment policies under different water availability conditions. As an extension of conventional two-stage stochastic programming (TSP) method, two special characteristics of the proposed approach make it unique compared with existing approaches. One is it could handle flexible penalty rates, which are much reasonable for both of the authorities and users, and have seldom been considered in the TSP framework. The other is uncertain information expressed as discrete intervals and probability distribution functions can be effectively reflected in the optimization processes and solutions. After formulating the model, a hypothetical case is employed for demonstrating its applicability under two scenarios, where the inflow is divided into four and eight intervals, respectively. The results indicate that reasonable solutions have been obtained. They provide desired allocation patterns with maximized system benefit under two feasibility levels. The solutions present as stable intervals with different risk levels in violating the water demands, and can be used for generating decision alternatives. Comparisons of the solution from the ITFSP with that from the ITSP (inexact two-stage stochastic programming) and TSP approach are also undertaken. It shows that the ITFSP could produce more system benefit than existing methods and deal with flexible penalty policies for better water management and utilization.